Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bright Hill (South)

Bright Hill (South) - Golden Boy and Jade Girl Proffering Peaches

Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Temple - A Major Change in Opinion

The former abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Temple, Reverend Hong Choon, since told me, A Buddha riding on a dragon wishes to settle on Bright Hill. We are only fulfilling his wish, working hard to help all mankind.

I asked, There are people who claim that the feng shui here is not auspicious. What's your opinion?

The Reverend replied, The dragon moves when heaven moves. Luck changes when the dragon moves. As monks, we have to disregard feng shui, regardless of what luck it may bring us. We have to counteract it with our sincerity. He continued, If we do not uphold our principles, it is impossible for us to guide the mortal world.

Upon hearing his words, my admiration for him multiplied. Many changes have indeed taken place on Bright Hill and an MRT line has even been built on this dragon vein. This is the major upheaval, but the abbot has long learnt to counter changes with inaction.

The Fire Dragon passes through Sembawang, Yishun, Ang Mo Kio, Thomson, Toa Payoh and Whampoa before making its den in Mount Emily's Istana. Bright Hill is seated right in the middle of this dragon vein. Looking at the bigger picture we can see Buddha riding the dragon.

In feng shui, Bright Hill is of the golden boy and jade lady proffering peaches formation. In the past, this area used to be a cemetery with Phor Kark See Temple sitting on the hilltop surrounded by many smaller temples. Reverend Hong Choon made many major changes and developed it into Singapore's biggest monastery.

Tradition requires monasteries and nunneries to be built apart. However, due to the restrictions imposed by the shape of the land, the nunnery Tse Tho Aum Temple was built nearby land - a result of the blessings of the golden boy and jade lady proffering peaches.

The pearl land has to be close to the sea. However, Bright Hill is nowhere near the sea, and this means there is no clam. So where does the pearl come from?

Providing a witty answer, the Reverend said, The land might have a form, but observers might not see it. The land might have no form, but and observer might see a form where there is none. Thus what a form looks like is highly subjective.

Personally I am not particular about landforms. Instead, I emphasis the combination of theory and practice. It might be easy to observe landforms, but analysing them is not a piece of cake, especially when it comes to highly volatile landforms, As such, we need to study every inch of our surroundings in order to decipher and analyse changes to the land.

Topography is Psychology

In feng shui, the planets and their magnetic fields have a direct impact on landforms. This results in different landforms and fortunes.

When discussing the development of Bright Hill, Reverend Hong Choon warned, Topography is like psychology; when human nature is pure, so will the fortune of the land. He further elaborated, Then human mind can shape topography; topography can influence the human mind. A good heart ensures the land will change for the better. Beneficent topography changes the human heart for the better.

Bright Hill is an auspicious land where the blessed will build their fortunes.

Having told the fortunes of countless people, the abbot said wistfully. Many people have come forth to consult me, and I have sincerely shared with them the principle that topography is like psychology; when human nature is pure, so will the fortune of the land. However, some people stoop to evil deeds after making a fortune, thereby degrading the land's fortunes.

His words left me in deep thought. This is what is meant by good reaps good; evil reaps evil. Regardless of feng shui, diligence is of utmost importance. Even if you enjoyed good feng shui, you should continue to word hard. If, instead, you resort unscrumpulous means after having achieved something, you will end up ruining your feng shui.


普觉寺 大改观

该寺已故住持、高僧宏船法师曾对我说:天上有位坐龙的菩萨要在光明山安身, 我们不过是实现菩萨的意愿, 在这里默默耕耘, 默默地普渡苍生。


法师的回答是:天动, 龙就动;龙动,运就动。不管运气好坏, 出家人必须守根本,总不能因为风水不好而搬迁。我们要用真诚感化风水。法师又说:我们是苦海中的船, 假如我们自己立不定宗旨, 那又怎能去普渡众生呢?

宏船法师这番话令我极其钦佩,的确,光明山周遭大事发展, 且在这条龙脉上开了地铁, 这是大动, 老法师早已洞悉其中变化决定以不变应万变。

新加坡的这条火龙从三巴旺、义顺经过宏茂桥、汤申、大巴窑、黄埔到爱美丽山总统府结穴。光明山就坐落在这龙脉的中间, 菩萨骑龙身, 从大的形态上看的确可见其形。

光明山在风水学上是金童玉女献仙桃樱, 许多年前那里是个坟地, 而普觉寺就在小小的山丘上这座山周围还有不少小寺庙。

后来, 宏传法师主持普觉寺, 整个寺大改观, 终于发展成我国最大佛寺。按照寺庙成规,寺与庵之间须保持相当距离。但是由于光明山地形的关系,自度庵就建在离普觉寺不远处, 可谓一改传统。这就是金童玉女献仙桃地形的福荫, 此地形称玉女献珠也无不可,因为珠地放光明。

但珠地要靠海, 而光明山并不靠海, 无海则无蚌, 无蚌哪会有珠呢?

这一点法师答得很妙, 他说:地理本有形, 看者自无形;地理自无形, 看者自有形。究竟是什么形这就是个见仁见智的问题了。

对于风水的形态, 我一向不十分欣赏, 反而比较重视理论与实践的结合。因为地理之形, 看似容易, 分析困难, 有的变化多端, 我们就要通过周围环境的蛛丝马迹去推敲、分析地形的变化。


而在风水学中,地形是直接受到天星的影响及大地磁场变化的影响, 所以才会有不同的形态及运气。

宏船法师谈到光明山的发展时, 留下了这么一句警句:地理就是心理, 人心向善地运也会向善。又说:人心改地理, 地理变人心, 人心好地理也会为之而变好, 而地理好也会使人心变善。

光明山是块福地, 自会有福人到来耕耘。

替人看了很多年风水的宏船法师还感慨地说:许多人请我看风水, 我都很诚心地用?地理就是心理, 人心向善地运也会向善'这句话来告诫大家。但有的人飞黄腾达后就胡作非为, 这样一来, 地运也会随人心而改变的。

宏船法师的话令我感触很深:这正是种福得福, 种恶得恶。不管有没有好的风水, 勤奋努力还是第一件要事。有了好的风水更要加倍努力, 千万不要有了一点成就之后就胡作非为, 到头来自己破坏自己的好风水。 光明山普觉寺原主持宏船法师于1987年12月25日圆寂, 在世八十三年。当年他的出殡盛况空前足见这位德高望重的佛教大师在新加坡人民心目中的地位。宏船法师以精通风水而名闻当时, 曾在二十多年里替不计其数的商厦、工厂、住宅等看过的风水, 其中最为人们津津乐道的就是光明山寺店和新加坡君悦酒店。当年, 宏船法师还曾指点过新加坡的地形风水, 认为马来西亚半岛的龙头在金马仑高原, 龙脉沿中央山脉一路南下, 而新加坡的武吉知马山其实就是这一运势的延续。新加坡得此运势之助, 风水奇旺自不在话下了。

依学理划分, 风水之说原属道教, 不是讲求超脱凡俗的佛家所重视的, 而宏船法师为何乐此不疲呢?我曾就这个问题当面请教过老法师, 记得法师坦然表示, 风水命理原是俗家人的看法, 佛家弟子本不应谈的, 但是, 假如见到有人处厄逢难, 迷途不知返, 那么身为佛门弟子, 不设法因缘引渡, 教导他迷途知返, 这也是罪过。老法师这番悲悯宏愿的睿见, 我至今印象深刻, 对我的风水事业也是一种鞭策。在从事风水时我始终视之为一项能够帮助人们提高生活素质的学问。

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