Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bukit Merah (West)

Bukit Merah (West) - Young Buffalo Sleeping Ground

Bukit Merah derives its name from the colour of the soil. Between 1964 and 1968, I used to loiter around here, playing in the woods and the cemetery and catching crickets. The small-scale pig and cattle farms that used to be here are completely gone now.

Like Tiong Bahru, Bukit Merah is known as the buffalo sleeping ground. This is a wild buffalo, one that is lazy, likes to daydream, enjoys exploring on tis own and takes little interest in others affairs unless provoked. Its character is reflected on the residents' way of life. They work only on projects they like and do things their own way.

The Housing Development Board (HDB) headquarters shifted here in the 1990s. Because of the buffalo's strength and creativity, flats built by the HDB are stylish and varied. At the same time, service rendered by the HDB staff is superb. This conforms with the character of the stoic buffalo working diligently in the fields. This good tradition may be lost when HDB shifts to Toa Payoh.

The Productivity and Standards Board (PSB) also made its base here in the 1990s. The two important government institutions set up here reflect the courage of the buffaloes. A cluster of small enterprises flourishes here too. However, if they do not develop or upgrade to selling goods with higher value added, this area may soon share the fate of Hillview, which has made way for a prestigious residential area.

Those living on the buffalo land usually perform better under pressure. They are determined and resilient. They must have a strong destiny or else they will be susceptible to stomach and kidney ailments and psychological problems.


红山因其土质红色而得名。1964年到1968年之间, 我经常流连在这里的树林和坟场玩耍、捉陈辉这一带也有一些养猪、养牛和养羊的小型牧场但是这种乡野风景早已不复存在。

红山和中巴鲁一样, 在风水学上也是一处牛眠地。这头牛是青牛, 属于野牛, 性格好闲, 好幻想、独闯天下, 一副人不犯我, 我不犯人的脾气。所以这一带的人都选择用自己的方式生活, 一旦遇到自己』喜欢做的事情就任劳任怨;若看不惯, 就完全不理会。

建屋发展局于九十年代人迁此处因为牛劲十足兼创意十足, 故造出来的屋子多姿多彩, 同时, 一改官样作风, 对组屋申请者可谓鞠躬尽瘁, 正合了作牛作马也甘愿的传统。若建屋局改日搬离此处这种优良的传统恐怕会随之而变。

新加坡生产力与标准局也在九十年代人迁此地, 两个重要的政府机构不约而同地在红山落户正配合了野牛勇往直前的性格。此地现有不少小型的企业若不好好地发展及提升, 发展为高增值的消费品促销中心重点推销车辆、电脑、家用电器等产品, 就很可能和山景道一样, 让位给高级住宅。

在牛地的人, 面对压力往往更能发挥潜能, 即使前途荆棘重重, 也不轻言放弃, 不达目的, 决不罢休。假若命不够强与不够坚定, 很容易犯胃病、肾病及神经紧张之病。

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