In feng shui, a tortoise land is rare and auspicious. Many rich and successful men have been buried on a tortoise land.
Protruding hillocks, completed with a head and a tail, forms the body of a tortoise. Sites on the head will enable one to enjoy wealth and fame. Sites on the tail will bring one wealth and many descendents because the head fronts the body and so symbolises leadership, while the rear is where the reproductive organs are located, thus symbolising fertility.
Businessmen born in tortoise land will enjoy huge profits and high social status, but must not neglect contributing to society. The wealthy should keep in mind the saying be magnanimous and kind to the world after striking it rich and to shun alcohol and illicit sex. Otherwise, one may go bankrupt overnight and it will be difficult to regain lost ground, just like a helpless tortoise struggling on its back.
Let us discuss Singapore's two pieces of tortoise land. Although changes were largely wrought by human hand in the form of new buildings, the basic shapes of the tortoises remain. They are known as the sacred tortoise protecting its young, with the big and the small tortoise looking out for one another.
From feng shui perspective, Bukit Purmei's landform is a trap, Thus residents need to venture elsewhere to work and make a name for themselves. The smaller tortoise is wedged between Kampong Bahru Road and Bukit Merah. The Tai Yeong Kon Temple is located at the small tortoise's head and on tis back is a Thai Buddhist temple. In feng shui theory, it is not advisable to build a temple on the back of a tortoise. If it is avoidable, the abbot must be highly noble and respectable.
Tai Yeong Kon Temple has made its home on the tortoise head for many years, but now it is trapped by urban redevelopments. High-rise buildings in front and an expressway behind fence it in.
Some readers might wonder if houses built close to temples are auspicious. A temple is visited by both benevolent deities and diabolical spirits. If you have a clear conscience and an open, upright mind, they will steer clear of you. Butt if you involved in all sorts of crimes and immoral behaviour, you will be punished one day.
Overturned Golden Clock Produces Geniuses
A point worth mentioning is that on the baby tortoise hill is a good feng shui area known as the overturned golden clock. A unique scholar land, according to feng shui where talented and brilliant persons are natured. Many geniuses in the literary and arts circles are produced here.
龟地在风水学中是不可多得的吉地, 好多飞黄腾达的人死后都葬在龟地。
龟地一般是以地面凸起的小丘为主体, 前后有头尾。处在龟头者名气大, 财利多;处在龟尾者不但财利多而且子孙亦多, 因为头部为一身之首, 领导群伦;而尾头下阴之处主生育, 人丁旺。
长于龟地的人从商获利甚丰, 而且社会地位也高, 但是名成利就之后切莫自私自利, 只颇自己享受荣华富贵, 而对社会公益事不闻不问。发达的人应谨记达则兼善天下的古训, 同时远离酒色, 否则很可能一夜之间倾家荡产, 而且很不容易翻身。想想乌龟吧, 当它四脚朝天时, 如果没有人帮助, 它能自己翻过身来吗?
先让我们谈谈新加坡的两个龟地, 它们虽然因人为的因素而有些变化(主要是新建筑的出现), 但基本的形状还在。这个地形称为灵龟顾子, 一只大龟, 一只小龟, 大小龟守望相助。大龟就在武吉宝美, 而背部就在武吉宝美景的那个交通圈上。龟头呢, 就在丹戎巴葛火车总站附近的东获庙。
从形势上看, 武吉宝美区在风水学上称为受困之地, 故要外出工作, 寻找出头的地方。
另一个小龟俗称龟仔山, 旧称石功, 介于甘榜中巴鲁及红山路之间, 面对着中央医院。这个区域恰好在一个三角坡地之上, 小龟在小山丘上面, 小龟的头有一间太阳庙, 龟背上有一座泰国佛庙。
以风水的理论而言一般上庙宇不宜建在龟背上, 如在龟背上建庙, 则住持务必是高风亮节的正人君子。
说到龟头那间太阳公庙它在那里有多年的历史, 后因受市区重建的影响, 小龟前方受组屋高楼所制, 后方又有快速公路经过, 前后均受因。
有些读者问道屋宅紧靠庙宇是否大吉?众所周知, 庙为鬼神出没之地假如心安理得不做亏心事, 内心有一股浩然正气, 则鬼神对你也会尊敬三分。如果为非作歹, 奸淫拐骗, 多行不义, 为天理所不容, 终有报应的一天。
值得一提的是在龟仔山上有个地带风水学上称为倒吊金钟, 这可是了不起的地方, 按风水学说, 它是进士之地气也即出才子的地方。这里空气清新、树木生机勃勃, 对于进修文学艺术的人十分有益。这里曾出了很多诗人墨客和有艺术天份的人才, 其理在此。
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