Bishan (South) - Divine Monkey Land
In the past, Bishan was strongly associated with cemeteries. Today, it has undergone a complete make-over and is hardly recognisable.
Neat, modern and beautiful high-rise buildings are everywhere. On the side near Lorong Chuan and Ang Mo Kio is the MRT depot, characterised by a network of criss-crossing tracks. From the original site of Peck San Theng Building is a view of a charming garden. Only a memorial and a pagoda still stand as reminders of Bishan's past as a cemetery.
This town is actually a monkey land. There are two groups of monkeys, with one in a residential estate better known as Lunzaiwei and these monkeys often congregate at MacRitchie Reservoir. The other group comes from Peirce Reservoir, the source of Kallang River.
White Monkey: Conducive to Business and Technology
In feng shui, a monkey land can be categorised into five monkey groups: Earth (stone monkey), Fire (red monkey), Metal (white monkey), Wood (green monkey) and Water (black monkey).
The topographical features of the stone monkey are towering hills with long, narrow valleys. The stones here resemble monkeys, and the hills are shaped like monkeys with their arms raised and heads bent, just like children somersaulting.
The fire and metal monkeys love to play with water. As they prefer areas with water, thy are in harmony with feng shui. In particular, the more the white monkey plays with water the cleaner and brainier it gets. That is why such feng shui is good for commerce and technology.
It is said that the white monkey has attained a high level of cultivation. Legend has it that weird images often appear in this area. It is probably the monkey appearing before those with evil notions to scare them into behaving themselves. However, when righteous people come across it they will be bestowed good luck.
Generally, monkeys are straightforward, impatient, scheming, agile and abhor evil.
Residents of the land of monkey are highly active and quick-witted. If the children here exercise discipline and set their minds to acquiring knowledge, they will definitely have a bright future and be capable of contributing to the nation.
There are people who fret that since Bishan used to be a cemetery, the good qi will be drawn away. Actually there is nothing to worry about as the cemetery did not occupy the whole of Bishan.
碧山 -灵猴地
过去,人们一提到碧山,就想到坟山。今天整个碧山已脱胎换骨, 旧貌换新颜。
这里处处是簇新、整齐、美观的组屋高楼, 靠近罗弄泉、宏茂桥的一边是新加坡地铁总厂铁路纵横交错。在碧山亭公所原址, 人们看到的是一座景色优美的大花园, 只有遗下的一座纪念碑与灵塔, 告诉人们这里曾经是坟山。
这个新镇的风水是个猴地。猴有两群, 一群在碧山住宅区, 俗称仑仔尾, 这群灵猴常聚在麦里芝蓄水池;另一群来自贝雅士蓄水池(加冷河的源头)。
白猴地 利商利科技
猴地在风水学中分为五种, 土猴称为石猴, 火猴称红猴, 金猴称白猴, 木猴称青猴水猴称黑猴。
石猴地形的特点是山势高耸, 山谷狭长。该地的石头呈猴形, 其山形则如猴臂向上, 头部向下, 有如小童翻筋斗, 十分有趣。
至于戏水的灵猴, 必属红猴及白猴这两种猴素喜有水之处, 相戏调和, 这样便可得风水之应。尤其是白猴, 戏水时让清水越洗越洁净脑子也越来越灵精。所以自猴戏水之地利于商务、科技的发展。
风水掌故说, 碧山的白猴修行甚高早年有人传说那一带常有奇影出现, 看来那是灵猴显形其目的是阻吓图谋不轨的人, 并无恶意。心术不正者看到灵猴显形当知不妙, 而为人正直者见了反交好运。
大凡猴性就如齐天大圣孙悟空, 性格直率, 缺乏耐性, 嫉恶如仇, 但心机缤密, 机灵好动。
该区另一群猴共有五只, 与宏茂桥的五鬼运财有异曲的玩笑。掌故中说, 五鬼排成半圆形把金运到靠近宏茂桥一道, 也就是宏茂桥与碧山的交界处。这五只小猴常常跑去挖沙淘金, 以致加冷河的含沙量越来越大。
五猴分别性属金、木、水、火、土, 性格一样顽皮, 时而扮鬼扮马戏弄人, 倒无害人之心。
居住此地者, 受猴地灵气之应, 性喜动而脑灵活。众所周知, 猴子精明聪慧, 但生性顽皮, 这使居住此区的孩子也会受到影响, 因此, 让孩子受良好的教育就非常重要。小孩则活泼如猴, 领悟性强, 将来有很多机会出人头地。但父母须严加教管, 让子女受良好教育。
巧合的是, 此区的住宅风水方向多坐坤向良、坐未向丑、坐申向寅, 这些都是利于求取功名, 成为博士的好方向, 和实龙岗花园的翰林批卷格局非常相似。
这些年来, 公教小学和中学、爱同小学、光洋小学和中学、玛丽蒙女子中学和小学, 以及莱佛士书院等等许多学校云集碧山, 这是碧山人的福气, 也应验了风水的效应。若此地的孩子能用智慧增进知识, 且严以律己, 将来志在四方, 心系祖国, 才不会辜负猴地的福荫。
有人担心碧山一带过去是坟山, 灵气易被吸走, 其实这是多虑。因为过去整个碧山并非全是坟地, 阳宅面积实际上大过阴宅(坟地)。再退一步来说, 鬼吸地的灵气, 人则吸天地之灵气, 胜了一筹, 大家尽可放心。
至于有人说看到鬼魅的事, 可能是疑神疑鬼的心理作用。因为猴性善疑,时而疑而不解。因此,奉劝住在碧山的朋友需明察。
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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