A mysterious place famous for its mythical past, Balestier was home to Malay royal families in the early days and was the meeting place of many rich businessmen. Balestier was named after Joseph Balestier, the first American consul to Singapore, who attempted to start a sugar cane plantation and sugar refinery plant. as the soil was not suitable, he did not succeed in his endeavours and later died an unhappy man. To immortalise him, this area was named after him.
Feng shui refers to this area as arhat taming the tiger. The legend goes that a three-legged tiger was spotted in this area that was very different from Caldecott Hill's white tiger. As the arhat had enlightened the three-legged tiger, it laid quietly on the hill where Tan Tock Seng Hospital now stands. The tiger's mouth is where the wealth god of Rocher is sited. That is why the tiger god here is exceptionally potent. Although the temple is very dilapidated, on the day of jinze, many devotees will come to ask for blessings and protection against unscrupulous people. Jinze is celebrated in February as the day animals come out of hibernation.
The fact that this white tiger is a savior can be seen from the many hospitals along its back among them Tan Tock Seng Hospital (originally located at Pearl's Hill) and the National Skin Centre. There were also several Chinese medical halls and gynaecologist clinics here previously. All these are in keeping with the feng shui of this area.
The arhat appears to have a form and yet seems formless. He has been lying quietly by Whampoa River for several jiazi.
It was said that Ah Hood Road was named to commemorate the arhat's long sleep. In fact Ah Hood Road was named after a businessman called Wong Ah Hood, who lived where the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry stands today.
It has often been said, A bodhisattva cherishes mercy in this heart. Not only do residents here have the ambition and drive of a tiger, the compassion of a bodhisattva and the strength of an arhat, there are also easy-going and at peace.
Though aided by the bodhisattva, the residents should sill work towards their goals one step at a time. Show kindness as much as your abilities allow you to without compromising your essential needs. Taoism expounds that all kindness begin at home - the home must be secure before we can show kindness to others. This area is a good place to engage in medical practice or religious activities.
马里士他路是个神奇的地方。这儿有许多迷离的历史典故, 早期它是马来皇族居住的地方, 也是富商云集的地点, 后来被美国驻新加坡第一任领事马里士他(Balestier)开发为甘煎园及炼糖厂。因为土地的关系, 种植行业不甚理想, 马里士他也在此郁郁而终。后人为了纪念他, 便以他的名字命名此路(即马里士他路)。
原来在风水学上此地称为罗汉伏虎地。根据史籍记载, 此区曾出现过三只脚的老虎。这只老虎与加利谷山之白虎相比, 无论在性格或性情上都完全不同, 因为这三脚虎被罗汉之佛法点化过, 而静卧在陈笃生医院所在地之丘陵上。虎口就是梧槽大伯公庙之所在地, 所以这里的虎爷特别灵验, 虽然庙宇破破烂烂, 但每逢惊茧节气, 虎爷开口时, 就会有许多善男信女到这里来拜祭虎爷, 以驱除小人。
这只白虎以济贫救世为主, 故在虎背上的医院很多, 其中有陈笃生医院(早期在珍珠山)及刚加入的国立皮肤诊疗中心。而这里早期也有许多华人医务所及妇产专科医院。这也正符合了风水的理论及要求。
知道了虎的来历, 我们再来谈罗汉。这个罗汉似有形, 又似无形;似仰天而眠, 又似伏地而卧。他静静地躺在黄埔河边, 而且一躺就是几个甲子。
这罗汉也有个小小的掌故。话说早期这里的交通非常不便, 所有联系都靠船只, 而黄埔河是加冷河支流, 当时是人们运送种植品入海口的主要通道。后来双林寺建立, 上香的香客来往也渐增多, 但因有虎为患, 香客生命常受威胁。
原籍中国广州黄埔, 号称黄埔先生的胡亚基在此成立了黄埔公司。因为他为人好善又是太平绅士看到香客的生命屡受白虎的威胁便致力发展黄埔河使之通行无阻。所以此河才以黄埔先生命名之后有多个机构和地区也用了黄埔先生之字号。
菩萨心肠 慈悲为怀
接着, 双林寺的菩萨也派了个罗汉来制服这头凶猛的三脚白虎。此罗汉一出山门就不再回去, 因为他怕白虎再出来为害百姓, 就在黄埔河边长眠修练。
这一睡, 才使此区成了名符其实的亚佛路。其实, 此地名的真正来历主要是为了纪念当年居住在中华总商会现址的富商黄亚佛先生。黄亚佛与佛教并无大关系, 但因为名中有个佛字, 而使亚佛路变成了佛街在亚佛路周围, 还有许多著名的佛寺、僧院、观音堂等等, 不知这是偶遇, 还是巧合。
常言道:菩萨心肠, 慈悲为怀, 故在此区居住的人们, 虽有老虎的野心, 也具菩萨的心肠、罗汉的法力, 为人处事随和安乐。
这区的人们虽得菩萨之助, 但各事也宜按部就班, 凡事宜量入为出, 切莫因善心而忘了根本。道教理论认为:一切善事都应从家里做起, 使家庭基本上得到安定, 再做善事, 才不会本末倒置。若在此区从事医药及宗教业, 最为有利。
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